Python client for


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import consul

c = consul.Consul()

# poll a key for updates
index = None
while True:
    index, data = c.kv.get('foo', index=index)
    print data['Value']

# in another process
c.kv.put('foo', 'bar')


pip install python-consul


There’s a few API endpoints still to go to expose all features available in Consul v0.6.0. If you need an endpoint that’s not in the documentation, just open an issue and I’ll try and add it straight away.


python-consul is currently maintained by @abn and @cablehead. Please reach out if you’re interested in being a maintainer as well. Otherwise, open a PR or Issue we’ll try and respond as quickly as we’re able.

Issue Labels

today!:Some triaging is in progress and this issue should be taken care of in a couple of hours!
priority:There’s a clear need to address this issue and it’s likely a core contributor will take it on. Opening a PR for these is greatly appreciated!
help wanted:This issue makes sense and would be useful. It’s unlikely a core contributor will get to this though, so if you’d like to see it addressed please open a PR.
question:The need for the issue isn’t clear or needs clarification, so please follow up. Issues in this state for a few months, without responses will likely will be closed.


Pull requests are very much appreciated! When you create a PR please ensure:

  1. All current tests pass, including flake8
  2. To add tests for your new features, if reasonable
  3. To add docstrings for new api features you add and if needed link to these docstrings from the sphinx documentation


# release the current version, eg: 0.6.1-dev -> 0.6.1
bumpversion release

# prepare the next patch (z-stream) version, eg: 0.6.1 -> 0.6.2-dev
bumpversion --no-tag patch

# else, prepare the next minor (y-stream) version, eg: 0.6.1 -> 0.7.0-dev
bumpversion --no-tag minor


This library is designed to be easily adapted for a number of clients. Particularly asynchronous clients. The following clients are currently supported.


This is a standard blocking python client. It isn’t particularly useful for creating server components - but it does serve as a base. It makes use of the requests library for http requests.

>>> import consul

>>> c = consul.Consul()

>>> c.kv.put('foo', 'bar')

>>> index, data = c.kv.get('foo')
>>> data['Value']

# this will block until there's an update or a timeout
>>> index, data = c.kv.get('foo', index=index)


An asynchronous Vanilla plugin based on this library is available at:


The terribly awful thing about gevent is that anything that uses the socket library from the python standard lib, including the requests library can be made non-blocking via monkey patching. This means the standard python-consul client will just work asynchronously with gevent.


There is a Tornado client which makes use of gen.coroutine. The API for this client is identical to the standard python-consul client except that you need to yield the result of each API call. This client is available in consul.tornado.

from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.gen import coroutine
from consul.base import Timeout
from consul.tornado import Consul

class Config(object):
    def __init__(self, loop): = None

    def watch(self):
        c = Consul()

        # asynchronously poll for updates
        index = None
        while True:
                index, data = yield c.kv.get('foo', index=index)
                if data is not None:
           = data['Value']
            except Timeout:
                # gracefully handle request timeout

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = IOLoop.instance()
    _ = Config(loop)


There is a asyncio (using aiohttp) client which works with Python3.4 and makes use of asyncio.coroutine. The API for this client is identical to the standard python-consul client except that you need to yield from the result of each API call. This client is available in consul.aio.

import asyncio
import consul.aio

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

def go():

    # always better to pass ``loop`` explicitly, but this
    # is not mandatory, you can relay on global event loop
    c = consul.aio.Consul(port=consul_port, loop=loop)

    # set value, same as default api but with ``yield from``
    response = yield from c.kv.put(b'foo', b'bar')
    assert response is True

    # get value
    index, data = yield from c.kv.get(b'foo')
    assert data['Value'] == b'bar'

    # delete value
    response = yield from c.kv.delete(b'foo2')
    assert response is True



Adaptors for Twisted and a thread pool based adaptor.


Handy tools built on python-consul.


ianitor is a doorkeeper for your services discovered using consul. It can automatically register new services through consul API and manage TTL health checks.

Example Uses


import consul

# master_token is a *management* token, for example the *acl_master_token*
# you started the Consul server with
master = consul.Consul(token=master_token)

master.kv.put('foo', 'bar')
master.kv.put('private/foo', 'bar')

rules = """
    key "" {
        policy = "read"
    key "private/" {
        policy = "deny"
token = master.acl.create(rules=rules)

client = consul.Consul(token=token)

client.kv.get('foo')          # OK
client.kv.put('foo', 'bar2')  # raises ACLPermissionDenied

client.kv.get('private/foo')  # returns None, as though the key doesn't
                              # exist - slightly unintuitive
client.kv.put('private/foo', 'bar2')  # raises ACLPermissionDenied

API Documentation


class consul.Check

There are three different kinds of checks: script, http and ttl


classmethod Check.docker(container_id, shell, script, interval, deregister=None)

Invoke script packaged within a running docker container with container_id at a specified interval on the configured shell using the Docker Exec API. Optional register after which a failing service will be automatically deregistered.


classmethod Check.script(script, interval)

Run script every interval (e.g. “10s”) to peform health check


classmethod Check.http(url, interval, timeout=None, deregister=None, header=None)

Peform a HTTP GET against url every interval (e.g. “10s”) to peform health check with an optional timeout and optional deregister after which a failing service will be automatically deregistered. Optional parameter header specifies headers sent in HTTP request. header paramater is in form of map of lists of strings, e.g. {“x-foo”: [“bar”, “baz”]}.


classmethod Check.tcp(host, port, interval, timeout=None, deregister=None)

Attempt to establish a tcp connection to the specified host and port at a specified interval with optional timeout and optional deregister after which a failing service will be automatically deregistered.


classmethod Check.ttl(ttl)

Set check to be marked as critical after ttl (e.g. “10s”) unless the check is periodically marked as passing.


class consul.Consul(host='', port=8500, token=None, scheme='http', consistency='default', dc=None, verify=True, cert=None)

token is an optional ACL token. If supplied it will be used by default for all requests made with this client session. It’s still possible to override this token by passing a token explicitly for a request.

consistency sets the consistency mode to use by default for all reads that support the consistency option. It’s still possible to override this by passing explicitly for a given request. consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’.

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default the datacenter of the host is used.

verify is whether to verify the SSL certificate for HTTPS requests

cert client side certificates for HTTPS requests


class Consul.ACL

Lists all the active ACL tokens. This is a privileged endpoint, and requires a management token. token will override this client’s default token. An ACLPermissionDenied exception will be raised if a management token is not used.

info(acl_id, token=None)

Returns the token information for acl_id.

create(name=None, type='client', rules=None, acl_id=None, token=None)

Creates a new ACL token. This is a privileged endpoint, and requires a management token. token will override this client’s default token. An ACLPermissionDenied exception will be raised if a management token is not used.

name is an optional name for this token.

type is either ‘management’ or ‘client’. A management token is effectively like a root user, and has the ability to perform any action including creating, modifying, and deleting ACLs. A client token can only perform actions as permitted by rules.

rules is an optional HCL string for this ACL Token Rule Specification.

Rules look like this:

# Default all keys to read-only
key "" {
  policy = "read"
key "foo/" {
  policy = "write"
key "foo/private/" {
  # Deny access to the private dir
  policy = "deny"

Returns the string acl_id for the new token.

update(acl_id, name=None, type=None, rules=None, token=None)

Updates the ACL token acl_id. This is a privileged endpoint, and requires a management token. token will override this client’s default token. An ACLPermissionDenied exception will be raised if a management token is not used.

name is an optional name for this token.

type is either ‘management’ or ‘client’. A management token is effectively like a root user, and has the ability to perform any action including creating, modifying, and deleting ACLs. A client token can only perform actions as permitted by rules.

rules is an optional HCL string for this ACL Token Rule Specification.

Returns the string acl_id of this token on success.

clone(acl_id, token=None)

Clones the ACL token acl_id. This is a privileged endpoint, and requires a management token. token will override this client’s default token. An ACLPermissionDenied exception will be raised if a management token is not used.

Returns the string of the newly created acl_id.

destroy(acl_id, token=None)

Destroys the ACL token acl_id. This is a privileged endpoint, and requires a management token. token will override this client’s default token. An ACLPermissionDenied exception will be raised if a management token is not used.

Returns True on success.


class Consul.Agent

The Agent endpoints are used to interact with a local Consul agent. Usually, services and checks are registered with an agent, which then takes on the burden of registering with the Catalog and performing anti-entropy to recover from outages.


Returns configuration of the local agent and member information.


Returns all the services that are registered with the local agent. These services were either provided through configuration files, or added dynamically using the HTTP API. It is important to note that the services known by the agent may be different than those reported by the Catalog. This is usually due to changes being made while there is no leader elected. The agent performs active anti-entropy, so in most situations everything will be in sync within a few seconds.


Returns all the checks that are registered with the local agent. These checks were either provided through configuration files, or added dynamically using the HTTP API. Similar to services, the checks known by the agent may be different than those reported by the Catalog. This is usually due to changes being made while there is no leader elected. The agent performs active anti-entropy, so in most situations everything will be in sync within a few seconds.


Returns all the members that this agent currently sees. This may vary by agent, use the nodes api of Catalog to retrieve a cluster wide consistent view of members.

For agents running in server mode, setting wan to True returns the list of WAN members instead of the LAN members which is default.

maintenance(enable, reason=None)

The node maintenance endpoint can place the agent into “maintenance mode”.

enable is either ‘true’ or ‘false’. ‘true’ enables maintenance mode, ‘false’ disables maintenance mode.

reason is an optional string. This is simply to aid human operators.

join(address, wan=False)

This endpoint instructs the agent to attempt to connect to a given address.

address is the ip to connect to.

wan is either ‘true’ or ‘false’. For agents running in server mode, ‘true’ causes the agent to attempt to join using the WAN pool. Default is ‘false’.


This endpoint instructs the agent to force a node into the left state. If a node fails unexpectedly, then it will be in a failed state. Once in the failed state, Consul will attempt to reconnect, and the services and checks belonging to that node will not be cleaned up. Forcing a node into the left state allows its old entries to be removed.

node is the node to change state for.

class Consul.Agent.Service
register(name, service_id=None, address=None, port=None, tags=None, check=None, token=None, script=None, interval=None, ttl=None, http=None, timeout=None, enable_tag_override=False)

Add a new service to the local agent. There is more documentation on services here.

name is the name of the service.

If the optional service_id is not provided it is set to name. You cannot have duplicate service_id entries per agent, so it may be necessary to provide one.

address will default to the address of the agent if not provided.

An optional health check can be created for this service is one of Check.script, Check.http, Check.tcp, Check.ttl or Check.docker.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request. Note this call will return successful even if the token doesn’t have permissions to register this service.

script, interval, ttl, http, and timeout arguments are deprecated. use check instead.

enable_tag_override is an optional bool that enable you to modify a service tags from servers(consul agent role server) Default is set to False. This option is only for >=v0.6.0 version on both agent and servers. for more information


Used to remove a service from the local agent. The agent will take care of deregistering the service with the Catalog. If there is an associated check, that is also deregistered.

maintenance(service_id, enable, reason=None)

The service maintenance endpoint allows placing a given service into “maintenance mode”.

service_id is the id of the service that is to be targeted for maintenance.

enable is either ‘true’ or ‘false’. ‘true’ enables maintenance mode, ‘false’ disables maintenance mode.

reason is an optional string. This is simply to aid human operators.

class Consul.Agent.Check
register(name, check=None, check_id=None, notes=None, service_id=None, token=None, script=None, interval=None, ttl=None, http=None, timeout=None)

Register a new check with the local agent. More documentation on checks can be found here.

name is the name of the check.

check is one of Check.script, Check.http, Check.tcp Check.ttl or Check.docker and is required.

If the optional check_id is not provided it is set to name. check_id must be unique for this agent.

notes is not used by Consul, and is meant to be human readable.

Optionally, a service_id can be specified to associate a registered check with an existing service.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request. Note this call will return successful even if the token doesn’t have permissions to register this check.

script, interval, ttl, http, and timeout arguments are deprecated. use check instead.

Returns True on success.


Remove a check from the local agent.

ttl_pass(check_id, notes=None)

Mark a ttl based check as passing. Optional notes can be attached to describe the status of the check.

ttl_fail(check_id, notes=None)

Mark a ttl based check as failing. Optional notes can be attached to describe why check is failing. The status of the check will be set to critical and the ttl clock will be reset.

ttl_warn(check_id, notes=None)

Mark a ttl based check with warning. Optional notes can be attached to describe the warning. The status of the check will be set to warn and the ttl clock will be reset.


class Consul.Catalog
register(node, address, service=None, check=None, dc=None, token=None)

A low level mechanism for directly registering or updating entries in the catalog. It is usually recommended to use agent.service.register and agent.check.register, as they are simpler and perform anti-entropy.

node is the name of the node to register.

address is the ip of the node.

service is an optional service to register. if supplied this is a dict:

    "Service": "redis",
    "ID": "redis1",
    "Tags": [
    "Port": 8000


Service is required and is the name of the service

ID is optional, and will be set to Service if not provided. Note ID must be unique for the given node.

Tags and Port are optional.

check is an optional check to register. if supplied this is a dict:

    "Node": "foobar",
    "CheckID": "service:redis1",
    "Name": "Redis health check",
    "Notes": "Script based health check",
    "Status": "passing",
    "ServiceID": "redis1"

dc is the datacenter of the node and defaults to this agents datacenter.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

This manipulates the health check entry, but does not setup a script or TTL to actually update the status. The full documentation is here.

Returns True on success.

deregister(node, service_id=None, check_id=None, dc=None, token=None)

A low level mechanism for directly removing entries in the catalog. It is usually recommended to use the agent APIs, as they are simpler and perform anti-entropy.

node and dc specify which node on which datacenter to remove. If service_id and check_id are not provided, all associated services and checks are deleted. Otherwise only one of service_id and check_id should be provided and only that service or check will be removed.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

Returns True on success.


Returns all the datacenters that are known by the Consul server.

nodes(index=None, wait=None, consistency=None, dc=None, near=None, token=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, nodes) of all nodes known about in the dc datacenter. dc defaults to the current datacenter of this agent.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

near is a node name to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node

consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’. if not specified consistency will the consistency level this client was configured with.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

The response looks like this:

(index, [
        "Node": "baz",
        "Address": ""
        "Node": "foobar",
        "Address": ""
services(index=None, wait=None, consistency=None, dc=None, token=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, services) of all services known about in the dc datacenter. dc defaults to the current datacenter of this agent.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’. if not specified consistency will the consistency level this client was configured with.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

The response looks like this:

(index, {
    "consul": [],
    "redis": [],
    "postgresql": [

The main keys are the service names and the list provides all the known tags for a given service.

node(node, index=None, wait=None, consistency=None, dc=None, token=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, services) of all services provided by node.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’. if not specified consistency will the consistency level this client was configured with.

dc is the datacenter of the node and defaults to this agents datacenter.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

The response looks like this:

(index, {
    "Node": {
        "Node": "foobar",
        "Address": ""
    "Services": {
        "consul": {
            "ID": "consul",
            "Service": "consul",
            "Tags": null,
            "Port": 8300
        "redis": {
            "ID": "redis",
            "Service": "redis",
            "Tags": [
            "Port": 8000
service(service, index=None, wait=None, tag=None, consistency=None, dc=None, near=None, token=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, nodes) of the nodes providing service in the dc datacenter. dc defaults to the current datacenter of this agent.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

If tag is provided, the list of nodes returned will be filtered by that tag.

near is a node name to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node

consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’. if not specified consistency will the consistency level this client was configured with.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

The response looks like this:

(index, [
        "Node": "foobar",
        "Address": "",
        "ServiceID": "redis",
        "ServiceName": "redis",
        "ServiceTags": null,
        "ServicePort": 8000


class Consul.Event

The event command provides a mechanism to fire a custom user event to an entire datacenter. These events are opaque to Consul, but they can be used to build scripting infrastructure to do automated deploys, restart services, or perform any other orchestration action.

Unlike most Consul data, which is replicated using consensus, event data is purely peer-to-peer over gossip.

This means it is not persisted and does not have a total ordering. In practice, this means you cannot rely on the order of message delivery. An advantage however is that events can still be used even in the absence of server nodes or during an outage.

fire(name, body='', node=None, service=None, tag=None, token=None)

Sends an event to Consul’s gossip protocol.

name is the Consul-opaque name of the event. This can be filtered on in calls to list, below

body is the Consul-opaque body to be delivered with the event.
From the Consul documentation:
The underlying gossip also sets limits on the size of a user event message. It is hard to give an exact number, as it depends on various parameters of the event, but the payload should be kept very small (< 100 bytes). Specifying too large of an event will return an error.

node, service, and tag are regular expressions which remote agents will filter against to determine if they should store the event

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request. If the token’s policy is not allowed to fire an event of this name an ACLPermissionDenied exception will be raised.

list(name=None, index=None, wait=None)
Returns a tuple of (index, events)
Note: Since Consul’s event protocol uses gossip, there is no ordering, and instead index maps to the newest event that matches the query.

name is the type of events to list, if None, lists all available.

index is the current event Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run. Check for more infos about indexes on events.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. This parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

Consul agents only buffer the most recent entries. The current buffer size is 256, but this value could change in the future.

Each event looks like this:

        "ID": "b54fe110-7af5-cafc-d1fb-afc8ba432b1c",
        "Name": "deploy",
        "Payload": "1609030",
        "NodeFilter": "",
        "ServiceFilter": "",
        "TagFilter": "",
        "Version": 1,
        "LTime": 19


class Consul.Coordinate

Returns the WAN network coordinates for all Consul servers, organized by DCs.

nodes(dc=None, index=None, wait=None, consistency=None)

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default the datacenter of the host is used.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’. if not specified consistency will the consistency level this client was configured with.

class Consul.Health
service(service, index=None, wait=None, passing=None, tag=None, dc=None, near=None, token=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, nodes)

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

nodes are the nodes providing the given service.

Calling with passing set to True will filter results to only those nodes whose checks are currently passing.

Calling with tag will filter the results by tag.

dc is the datacenter of the node and defaults to this agents datacenter.

near is a node name to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

checks(service, index=None, wait=None, dc=None, near=None, token=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, checks) with checks being the checks associated with the service.

service is the name of the service being checked.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

dc is the datacenter of the node and defaults to this agents datacenter.

near is a node name to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

state(name, index=None, wait=None, dc=None, near=None, token=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, nodes)

name is a supported state. From the Consul docs:

The supported states are any, unknown, passing, warning, or critical. The any state is a wildcard that can be used to return all checks.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

dc is the datacenter of the node and defaults to this agents datacenter.

near is a node name to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

nodes are the nodes providing the given service.

node(node, index=None, wait=None, dc=None, token=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, checks)

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

dc is the datacenter of the node and defaults to this agents datacenter.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

nodes are the nodes providing the given service.


class Consul.KV

The KV endpoint is used to expose a simple key/value store. This can be used to store service configurations or other meta data in a simple way.

get(key, index=None, recurse=False, wait=None, token=None, consistency=None, keys=False, separator=None, dc=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, value[s])

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

keys is a boolean which, if True, says to return a flat list of keys without values or other metadata. separator can be used with keys to list keys only up to a given separator character.

dc is the optional datacenter that you wish to communicate with. If None is provided, defaults to the agent’s datacenter.

The value returned is for the specified key, or if recurse is True a list of values for all keys with the given prefix is returned.

Each value looks like this:

    "CreateIndex": 100,
    "ModifyIndex": 200,
    "LockIndex": 200,
    "Key": "foo",
    "Flags": 0,
    "Value": "bar",
    "Session": "adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e"

Note, if the requested key does not exists (index, None) is returned. It’s then possible to long poll on the index for when the key is created.

put(key, value, cas=None, flags=None, acquire=None, release=None, token=None, dc=None)

Sets key to the given value.

value can either be None (useful for marking a key as a directory) or any string type, including binary data (e.g. a msgpack’d data structure)

The optional cas parameter is used to turn the PUT into a Check-And-Set operation. This is very useful as it allows clients to build more complex syncronization primitives on top. If the index is 0, then Consul will only put the key if it does not already exist. If the index is non-zero, then the key is only set if the index matches the ModifyIndex of that key.

An optional flags can be set. This can be used to specify an unsigned value between 0 and 2^64-1.

acquire is an optional session_id. if supplied a lock acquisition will be attempted.

release is an optional session_id. if supplied a lock release will be attempted.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request. If the token’s policy is not allowed to write to this key an ACLPermissionDenied exception will be raised.

dc is the optional datacenter that you wish to communicate with. If None is provided, defaults to the agent’s datacenter.

The return value is simply either True or False. If False is returned, then the update has not taken place.

delete(key, recurse=None, cas=None, token=None, dc=None)

Deletes a single key or if recurse is True, all keys sharing a prefix.

cas is an optional flag is used to turn the DELETE into a Check-And-Set operation. This is very useful as a building block for more complex synchronization primitives. Unlike PUT, the index must be greater than 0 for Consul to take any action: a 0 index will not delete the key. If the index is non-zero, the key is only deleted if the index matches the ModifyIndex of that key.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request. If the token’s policy is not allowed to delete to this key an ACLPermissionDenied exception will be raised.

dc is the optional datacenter that you wish to communicate with. If None is provided, defaults to the agent’s datacenter.


class Consul.Query
list(dc=None, token=None)

Lists all the active queries. This is a privileged endpoint, therefore you will only be able to get the prepared queries which the token supplied has read privileges to.

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default the datacenter of the host is used.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

create(service, name=None, dc=None, session=None, token=None, nearestn=None, datacenters=None, onlypassing=None, tags=None, ttl=None, regexp=None)

Creates a new query. This is a privileged endpoint, and requires a management token for a certain query name.*token* will override this client’s default token.

service is mandatory for new query. represent service name to query.

name is an optional name for this query.

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default the datacenter of the host is used.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

nearestn if set to a value greater than zero, then the query will be forwarded to up to NearestN other datacenters based on their estimated network round trip time using Network Coordinates from the WAN gossip pool.

datacenters is a fixed list of remote datacenters to forward the query to if there are no healthy nodes in the local datacenter.

onlypassing controls the behavior of the query’s health check filtering.

tags is a list of service tags to filter the query results.

ttl is a duration string that can use “s” as a suffix for seconds. It controls how the TTL is set when query results are served over DNS.

regexp is optional for template this option is only supported in Consul 0.6.4 or later. The only option for type is name_prefix_match so if you want a query template with no regexp enter an empty string.

For more information about query

update(query_id, service=None, name=None, dc=None, session=None, token=None, nearestn=None, datacenters=None, onlypassing=None, tags=None, ttl=None, regexp=None)

This endpoint will update a certain query

query_id is the query id for update

all the other setting remains the same as the query create method

get(query_id, token=None, dc=None)

This endpoint will return information about a certain query

query_id the query id to retrieve information about

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default the datacenter of the host is used.

delete(query_id, token=None, dc=None)

This endpoint will delete certain query

query_id the query id delete

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default the datacenter of the host is used.

execute(query, token=None, dc=None, near=None, limit=None)

This endpoint will execute certain query

query name or query id to execute

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default the datacenter of the host is used.

near is a node name to sort the resulting list in ascending order based on the estimated round trip time from that node

limit is used to limit the size of the list to the given number of nodes. This is applied after any sorting or shuffling.

explain(query, token=None, dc=None)

This endpoint shows a fully-rendered query for a given name

query name to explain. This cannot be query id.

token is an optional ACL token to apply to this request.

dc is the datacenter that this agent will communicate with. By default the datacenter of the host is used.


class Consul.Session
create(name=None, node=None, checks=None, lock_delay=15, behavior='release', ttl=None, dc=None)

Creates a new session. There is more documentation for sessions here.

name is an optional human readable name for the session.

node is the node to create the session on. if not provided the current agent’s node will be used.

checks is a list of checks to associate with the session. if not provided it defaults to the serfHealth check. It is highly recommended that, if you override this list, you include the default serfHealth.

lock_delay is an integer of seconds.

behavior can be set to either ‘release’ or ‘delete’. This controls the behavior when a session is invalidated. By default, this is ‘release’, causing any locks that are held to be released. Changing this to ‘delete’ causes any locks that are held to be deleted. ‘delete’ is useful for creating ephemeral key/value entries.

when ttl is provided, the session is invalidated if it is not renewed before the TTL expires. If specified, it is an integer of seconds. Currently it must be between 10 and 86400 seconds.

By default the session will be created in the current datacenter but an optional dc can be provided.

Returns the string session_id for the session.

destroy(session_id, dc=None)

Destroys the session session_id

Returns True on success.

list(index=None, wait=None, consistency=None, dc=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, sessions) of all active sessions in the dc datacenter. dc defaults to the current datacenter of this agent.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’. if not specified consistency will the consistency level this client was configured with.

The response looks like this:

 (index, [
         "LockDelay": 1.5e+10,
         "Checks": [
         "Node": "foobar",
         "ID": "adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e",
         "CreateIndex": 1086449
node(node, index=None, wait=None, consistency=None, dc=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, sessions) as per session.list, but filters the sessions returned to only those active for node.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’. if not specified consistency will the consistency level this client was configured with.

info(session_id, index=None, wait=None, consistency=None, dc=None)

Returns a tuple of (index, session) for the session session_id in the dc datacenter. dc defaults to the current datacenter of this agent.

index is the current Consul index, suitable for making subsequent calls to wait for changes since this query was last run.

wait the maximum duration to wait (e.g. ‘10s’) to retrieve a given index. this parameter is only applied if index is also specified. the wait time by default is 5 minutes.

consistency can be either ‘default’, ‘consistent’ or ‘stale’. if not specified consistency will the consistency level this client was configured with.

renew(session_id, dc=None)

This is used with sessions that have a TTL, and it extends the expiration by the TTL.

dc is the optional datacenter that you wish to communicate with. If None is provided, defaults to the agent’s datacenter.

Returns the session.


class Consul.Status
The Status endpoints are used to get information about the status
of the Consul cluster.

This endpoint is used to get the Raft leader for the datacenter in which the agent is running.


This endpoint retrieves the Raft peers for the datacenter in which the the agent is running.


class Consul.Txn

The Transactions endpoints manage updates or fetches of multiple keys inside a single, atomic transaction.


Create a transaction by submitting a list of operations to apply to the KV store inside of a transaction. If any operation fails, the transaction is rolled back and none of the changes are applied.

payload is a list of operations where each operation is a dict with a single key value pair, with the key specifying operation the type. An example payload of operation type “KV” is dict:

    "KV": {
      "Verb": "<verb>",
      "Key": "<key>",
      "Value": "<Base64-encoded blob of data>",
      "Flags": 0,
      "Index": 0,
      "Session": "<session id>"